Posts by GBC Media (Page 2)

Elders Position Paper – On Open-air Preaching

As Elders of Goodwood Baptist Church: We affirm that open-air preaching is a natural & Biblical part of fulfilling the great commission, in as much as it brings the gospel directly to the lost (Matthew 28:18-20). We deny that a friendship or relationship with an unbeliever is a necessary pre-requisite for gospel witnessing. We acknowledge…

Elders Position Paper – On Social Justice & Critical Race Theory

The Elders of Goodwood Baptist Church affirm our agreement with the original drafters of the Dallas Statement, who introduced it as follows: “In view of questionable sociological, psychological, and political theories presently permeating our culture and making inroads into Christ’s church, we wish to clarify certain key Christian doctrines and ethical principles prescribed in God’s…

Elders Position Paper – On Biblical Inerrancy

As elders of Goodwood Baptist Church, we teach and believe in the doctrines of inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture. The entire Bible, in its original autographs, is God-breathed and entirely free from error. In this regard, we accept and confess with many like-mined protestants The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy – which can be read…

Elders Position Paper – On Outreach

Philosophy of Outreach We believe the purpose of the church is the glory of God. This is not to be defined by any single activity (e.g. missions, fellowship, preaching, etc). Rather the extent to which the collective activities of the church achieve this purpose is the extent to which the church is being found faithful.…